February 9, 2010

Defending The Faith

Today I am going to try and dive in to something I have never really tried before. I am of the mentality that, to those who don't see that the Bible was written by God, too bad. I have never really wanted to try and defend it. I only bring up this topic, not becuase I think it will be some huge evangelical tool. But I think it will greatly help people in building their own foundation. This will be kind of a continuation of the previous post. In the sense that we, the church, need to know the basics, and know where in the bible they are taught. Before I move on though I just wanted to clarify, I didn't want to defend The Bible because I didn't think the people I was trying to defend it from would ever understand. Like Moses trying to talk sense to the Pharoah, it just wasn't going to work. That is a terrible excuse, but that was my thinking. Anyways, We take for granted the basics of biblical knowledge. I have come across people who have no idea what the Old and New Testaments are, I have been asked if they are even part of the bible. This isn't because these people are "stupid", they just don't know. I think it would be rather daunting for someone who has no idea where to start, if they have no one there to help them through it. That is where the church comes in to play. Teaching the chruch the basics and just being able to relate to other people, in a simplified way I think would be a great tool, not for people to become scholars, but for them to be able to correct wrong thinking from the start. Let me use this general example, someone who has no idea about the bible starts asking you questions just on the basics, if they have the wrong idea it can cause them problems down the road. Being able to explain and teach from scripture what is correct could save this person a lot of trouble. This goes for when you are speaking to believers and non-believers. If we don't know what we are talking about how in the world will other people be able to learn from us. Being equipped with the Word of God is a mighty tool and should be used with great care and consideration. We as Christians should be a light in dark places for those who are trying to find their way.

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