February 4, 2010

In The Beginning......

I have started a few posts on different places in this manner. Alluding to the beginning of The Bible. They all have one thing in common, they never lasted very long. I am a terrible writer, I probably have a 3rd grade grasp of English grammar. Just enough to get me by without embarrassing myself. So maybe this will be the one that doesn't die an early death. We shall see...........

Anyways, the reasons for even starting this. I suppose it will be like a journal for me as I try to walk with the word. My endeavors in trying to understand what is written in The Bible and then applying it to my Christian walk. I imagine it is difficult for a lot of people, and maybe this will help. But who am I kidding no one else is going to see this, so it's more or less me writing to myself. Now. Back to the topic at hand. I learned awhile ago to try and keep a particular verse in my head at all times. Acts 17:11 http://read.ly/Acts17.11.ESV

It is a short story in Acts where they were amazed that the Bereans were searching the scriptures daily to see if what they were being told was true. I think this is where a lot of people fall away from the word. They take someone's word instead of "searching the scriptures daily" to see if what they are hearing jives with The Bible. I understand a lot of topics are going to be debated until the 2nd coming of the lord. But on the big doctrinal issues, like the deity if Christ, the ressurection etc. Those are very clearly stated in all the gospels and all the bible. But their are people who argue against even these. That's why I have started with this basic idea, everything you hear, read, see, needs to be held in light of the scriptures. It does not matter who the person is.
The Bible should be your measuring stick. Your light in in dark places, and your compass when you are lost. If when you are searching the scriptures the answer doesn't come to in, pray. Talk with your church, because no church should be intolerant of people seeking understanding. Paul was pleased with the Bereans for questioning him and taking to The Bible to check it out for themselves. I think this kind of mentality is lacking with a lot of people. It would be a good place to start, and I think that is why I chose to start here.

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